Saturday, March 23, 2013

Two Sons' Thoughts

From Steven (Monday Oct 1, 2012)
 That absentee ballot has quite a story to tell, I think is a keepsake if we have not returned and not required to return.  It is another tribute to Mother a memory to not be forgotten, she has stage 4 lymphoma to weak to stand up and she is thinking about.... to me that is remarkable, I hope you never catch me missing an election.

John (Oct 5, 2012)
Our mother was a mother of honor, a person who always sought to do the right thing. She insisted her tithing be paid. She raised us as church-goers. She spoke well of neighbors and valued their friendships. Her hobbies were noble, including genealogy. She was a conscientious voter. She did not believe in debt and did believe in being honest in financial dealings with others, paying them fully. She was not a feuder, but a friend to others.

If I were to contribute one memory, it would be of an offer to join, or to audition in hopes of joining the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It would have required her to stay in Salt Lake City for the six-months (or however long) duration of her membership. She let that opportunity go. That she spoke so little of it tells us much about her, and about her humility. Bless her. We were blessed with a great mother.

1 comment:

  1. Bless our Mom. Bless her for her insistence on doing what is right.
