Mary (9/20/12 )
I remember my mother trying to have a clean and shinning living room
floor. She would mop and wax it and then get dismayed when her children
would run inside and then outside all day long tracking dirt in on her clean
floor. I remember when she had what she thought was a good idea. She
wanted the floor to remain clean for at least a while after some of her
moppings and waxings so she moved the couches back to give us one section of
the floor to use so the major part of the floor would remain clean and
shinning. But I remember this didn't last long, she gave up and the
couches were moved back and we had full access to the floor. One thing
kind of special is that she let us shine the floor up by sliding all over it
with our stocking feet.
I borrowed the title of this blog from Lannette, a cousin. She signs off her email with this quote. When I read this memory, I thought of that quote.