Saturday, August 17, 2013

30 Years

I was going through my old emails and I came across an email that Laura wrote on February 16, 2010. 3 1/2 years later I was still touched with what she wrote.

Brothers and sisters  (sounds like I'm giving a talk in church:)
So I'm pretty good about forwarding missionary letters,  (sigh--nothing from Brian today), but not so good at sharing WA news.  To be honest it feels like there isn't too much new ,but here's the latest.
(Laura writes about what her two youngest sons were doing)
Sunday was busy with church, valentines and Kevin got his patriarchal blessing or I might have thought about it being the Sunday before Pres day and the 30th anniversary of Dad's death.  Tomorrow is the calendar anniversary and that has been on my radar for awhile.  I was 13 and in some ways it seems forever ago because my life has went through so many changes.  But, in being able to recall random details it doesn't seem as long ago (what dress I wore, what John's friends made me for breakfast as we traveled to Colo, my friends' response on my first day back to school, and of course my feelings of that evening etc).  Sometimes I try to remember what I can about Dad and realize that all my memories are not only 30 yrs old, but started from a young perspective and so might not be accurate.  But,I came to the conclusion that the most important deduction I've made is true--he loved and wanted what was best for me and you his other children--thought I'd share that.
Wish you all a good day!

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