Laura (9/18/12)
When Laurel visited Mom she told of a time Mom walked over and brought her some
soup. That's a good walk carrying soup. She also told of Mom
letting her hide Christmas gifts and Mom remembered her painting homemade gifts
there to keep them a surprise.
Random fact was she did horseshoes in High School and
enjoyed CA beaches. She was 25 when sister died of polio
All I remember (of homesteading) was how primitive a start
and she had no comments about that being that way--she wasn't a complainer and
it probably took people like that to make a go of homesteading.
I know Mother went without a lot of things for herself as
she raised us children --we weren't well off, but she made do and I don't
recall her complaining about the situation. She was willing to sacrifice
and was very unselfish. (Now I can't believe how often she let me take
the only car to school etc)
One of the things I most appreciate Mom for was making sure
we had scripture study, FHE, and went to church. I know this isn't easy
and even harder when doing alone as she often had to do. Maybe she's like
me and proud she raised 3 missionaries?
I remember her taking tailoring classes and something with
preserving food. She liked to learn and utilized what she learned I
remember her helping at the fair after she earned certification in the other
thing that I can't remember the title of (had to do with proper food canning
Also I was so impressed when home and into Mom's things how
organized she was with her belongings and she was certainly detailed her
planning for death. Her organization made everything easier for us (Susan’s
name on bank acct as example, maybe worth mentioning. She was a widow for 32
years--that is a long time
I'm glad she came to Connecticut
when I had Isaac. (she had permission to leave her mission) She also saw
me there on a visit to her friend Elizabeth.
Laura (Oct 5, 2012)
She enjoyed taking community classes. She did tailoring, and food preservation among others. She
liked learning. When my family went to places (St Helen's, Game
Farm etc) with her she would often buy a book about it to read more about it.
After Dad died she worked at DI for awhile. I think
she enjoyed having co-workers and dressing up to go to work. I
think it was problems with her feet though soon after that she didn't
pursue further employment.