Monday, July 29, 2013

Steven's Memories

In regards to his sense of humor I remember dad when he would be putting his boots on in getting ready to go to work he would quote the scripture "No rest for the wicked"

I do not remember dad ever spending much time in leisure but if my memory serves me right he liked reading the humorous comics in the Sunday newspapers.  I think he liked reading comic magazines/books.  I remember seeing him read the scriptures and reading the book Jacob Hamblin which I think he read a couple of times, because he seemed to have an interest in the book I read it.  He did a time or two go down to St. George with Mom in the winter when he was not working the farm.  I never remember my dad raising his voice at me.  He was very frugal in his spending, I think he once bought pants that were to long and then just rolled them up all because they were cheaper than the size that fitted.  Dad as I remember him was very concerned about us, was sparing in preaching to us, teaching more by example than word, but the one thing he did instruct us boys on was to be respectful to women including putting the toilet seat down when we were done.

Note: Steven was born on his dad's 41st birthday, July 29th.

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